This page courtesy of http://www.vi1.org Karma,
Causality and Freewill Friend (F):
Guruji, What is Karma? Is it not deciding everything every one does? If
everything is predetermined, how can there be freewill? Guruji (G): This question
is very simple to ask, but complicated to answer. It is a very good question. I
don't think I know the answer even partially. But let me try to tell you what
little I know. What is Karma?
It says, you reap what you sow. If you sow good thoughts, say good words and do
good deeds, you get things which makes you happy. If you sow bad thoughts, say
bad words and do bad things, you get things which makes you miserable. It is
true, you reap what you sow. But does it say you do not reap what you did not
sow, but other's sow? That does not follow. That is very important fact to
remember. Does it also
say anywhere that because of Karma, every thing is pre-determined? Is Karma a
law of predetermination? Is it like the flow of time, which goes on inexorably
from past to present and into future. Even if it was a flow of time like an
arrow, it is still not clear how everything including the will to think, speak
and do are completely determined. What about the
Karma which you do for the sake of others? Don't the others reap what you have
sown for them? If you hit someone, that person feels the blow. The farmer has
sown seeds of rice and vegetables; I enjoy the rice and curry. We have to get
clear about our ideas: not only do we enjoy the fruits of our own actions, but
also the fruits of other's actions impinging on us, making us happy or
miserable. I am not the sole reason for my state of being. The world has a great
say in that. In fact I owe my very existence to the act of love between my
father and mother; when I was not even in their minds, nor did I have much of a
choice in getting the spark of life. I was an accident. I won a luck dip in
which a billion of my possible brothers or sisters who were dead but trying to
get a chance to live. How can we say everything is predetermined even in a
classical sense? In me there are
billions of living cells. Like our Sun, there are billions of Suns (called
stars) in in our world. Roughly, I as a human being stands somewhere as a
harmonic mean between the very large and very small systems. Very large systems
are about 24 powers of ten times larger than me; I am 24 powers of ten larger
than the smallest constituents of matter. I and Universe share the properties of
large redundant systems. One of the
significant properties of large systems is the arrow of time. It seems to be
irreversible, even though the equations of motion of individual particles are
not sensitive to the direction of flow of time. In the equation: force equals
the product of mass and acceleration, you can replace "t" by minus
"-t"; yet the equation merrily remains the same because (-dt x -dt=+dt
x +dt). What it means is that considered as an individual particle, you
are perfectly free to move forward or backward in time. Nothing stops you from
that. Only in a collective sense, you cannot do it. This means that
even in a classical sense, you have a freedom. You could go forward or backward
in time. An individual can do that. A person is free to think, speak and do what
she wants. However, the rules change, if a collective is involved. Statistical
rules come into play. It is very easy to mix up two distantly colored handfuls
of sand masses. To separate the mixture it is very hard. The ease with which we
can create disorder and the difficultly in creating order puts the arrow on
time. We say that time flows in the direction of increasing disorder. There is a
collective Karma, influencing how you tend to behave or ought to behave. But listen. A
particle has two modes of existence; one in which it looks and acts like a
particle, and another in which it looks and acts like a wave. These are two ways
of looking at the reality. Any one way is not superior or inferior to another.
Now we are moving away from classical mechanics to quantum mechanics. A particle
supposedly exists at one place and time. A wave exists at all places at the same
time. There is a very interesting relationship between the speeds of a particle
and its wave. The product of the two speeds is c x c , where c is the speed of
light. It follows that if the speed of the particle is v , which is less than c,
then the speed of the wave has to be larger than c so that their product remains
the same. Now another very interesting point comes up. Any thing going
slower than the speed of light has to go forward in time, into future. And, any
thing moving faster than light has to go back in time, into past. So now we have
a dilemma. A description of the particle is saying, the particle is moving
slower than light and going into future. Another equally valid description says
the wave is going into past. Both are same, both are valid representations! One
is moving into disorder; this is the material part. The other is moving into
order; this is the wave part. The funny thing is that both are happening at the
same time. Are we confronted with conservation of entropy, another form of
energy? Now I am
venturing into uncharted waters. I am leaving science which is concerned only
with an objective reality independent of any subject. I may not be right; I may
be quite wrong in fact. From this point on, you may believe or disbelieve. It
does not matter; because a fact cannot be reduced to a belief. Go by facts, not
by faith in me. I repeat, I am fallible. You are warned. I wish to think
that the wave representation corresponds to consciousness, or awareness. Since
waves have the property of superposition, they can interfere with each other
constructively or destructively at different points. When many waves interfere
constructively there is a very high degree of order generated. Coherence
creates, manifests high degrees of order which seem to violate behavior of inert
matter ( which prefers disorder), described so well by science which has not
taken the subject into consideration. I suppose this
is what Krishna is saying to Arjuna in Gita: whenever disorder increases largely
in the world, I come again, to reestablish order; to protect the pious and
destroy the confusing. What we are witnessing is a pendulum swinging between
order and disorder, between time going back and forth. Consciousness
has power over matter. If I tell you, get up, you simply get up. Your physical
body by itself cannot do that. It is inert; it cannot violate gravity. But your
consciousness controls that and allows an impossible event of levitation to
become possible. This is a daily miracle, going unnoticed. Now let us work
with these ideas. Through my awareness, I can really go back in time; and
through my physical body I can come back to the present moment. Let me do a
thought experiment. Suppose I
become coherent (some how, kundalini may help perhaps) wave, I move faster than
light, go back into a time when my grandfather has not given birth to my father.
And I shoot my Grandpa. Now I come back to the present time with or without my
physical body. Now I ask the question, do I exist or do I not exist? Logical time
based reasoning (shall we call it popular view of Karma?) states that since my
father never was born, how could I be born to my father? So I don't exist. Then
who is asking the question? I. So I exist. So we see that my ability to use my
two representations wisely has enabled me to define two equally valid and
opposite states of my being; namely, 1. it is true that I don't exist, and 2. it
is true that I exist. I have created a new possibility, not determined by the
irreversible flow of time, which I call Karma. In fact I have changed my
destiny; I now have two bodies. One that exists and one that doesn't. How
clever! What happened in the time after I shot grandpa and now? May be, because
my father was not available ( he was not born), my mother could not, and so did
not marry him, but found some one else. There might have been progeny, a
different scenario altogether. My ability to go back into the past and act there
has affected not only my destiny, but of so many other people as well, creating
a tremendous confusion like a miracle does to us now. We know it is there; we
don't know how it happened. If we can move
in time, many impossible things can be done. Put your thinking caps on. You can
walk through walls. A wall may be a wall for a particle, but is not a wall for a
wave. So an alpha particle, being a wave, doesn't have to climb a wall; it can
simply leak out through the wall. We call this radio-activity. You can
read other's minds. Your coherent waves can interact with the thought waves of
others. You can see through other's eyes. You can go to the next galaxy and
comeback without a space ship before I can blink my eye. A space ship would be
an obstacle. Your going there is tough enough; carrying it with you will be
tougher. You will be able to see time like you can see space; you develop a 4
dimensional vision. The concept of distance vanishes for you. You can become
small, like an atom and so vanish from vision; or become huge like a tower. The
notions of before and after lose their meaning. Is the nose of a dog earlier or
later than its tail? The only thing that survives perhaps is the topological
connectivity. In this sense, Karma has to be redefined as connected-ness of
proximate areas in space-time. What is disjoint can't be connected; what is
connected can't be separated. But one can kill both (disjointedness and
connectedness) and start afresh. The freewill not only exists, but exists
absolutely. What appears
impossible now may become ordinary in future, when people manage time like they
manage space. This is the promise of investigating into knowing who you are. The next
question: What is a particle? That which behaves like one, not like many
particles; even if it did consist of many. In my present state I don't look or
function like a particle, because all the waves constituting me are so wide
apart, separate. I behave like a conglomerate, to which this simple approach
doesn't work. But suppose I work myself into a trance, a hypnosis, where all my
thoughts are focused on one single thought, " I am " , then, I become
a particle and a coherent enough wave to which statistical thermodynamic laws
will not work. I eat up all time and space; they are in me. Distance in time or
space matters little, if I can move with infinite speed. I am everywhere at the
same time. I have an " oceanic " awareness. In such a state which
people call "Samprajnata Samadhi" , situations are created just by a
thought. The thought is so powerful; it searches every nook and corner of the
space time world, and manifests it taking care of all consequences. I think
coherence is the key for bringing order back into our world; to wind the clock
back and start afresh. We don't have to lament, time lost is gone for ever. Ever
reformatted a disk and wrote it all over again? Am I there? No,
definitely not. Am I trying to be there? Yes I am trying. So I can't teach you
all the things I am talking to you about. May be they are just guesses; you may
be better in finding the truth about Karma, than I found. If you do, please
teach me. I can't help
you much in this matter. I am a blind soul trying to grope in darkness. Please
find some one who is a Siddha; not one who is trying to be. Sorry if I could not be of much help. This is all I think I know about Karma. |